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Why Do Commercial Buildings Have Flat Roofs?

Flat Roofs

Commercial buildings come in all shapes and sizes, but one thing that most have in common is their roof. Most commercial buildings have a flat roof, and there is a reason for that. Today, we will discuss some of the benefits of having a flat roof and why so many businesses choose to go with this type of roofing system.

So, why are flat roofs common on commercial buildings?

HVAC Accommodation

One of the main reasons why commercial buildings have flat roofs is because it makes it easier to accommodate HVAC systems. HVAC units need to be installed on the roof to function properly, and a flat roof provides the perfect surface for this. With a sloped roof, it would be much more difficult to properly install an HVAC system.

While on the topic of flat and sloped roofs, any South Florida commercial roofing company will tell you that even flat roofs aren’t entirely flat. They usually have a slight slope to them, which helps with drainage. If a flat roof were truly flat, then rain and melting snow would just pool on top of it and eventually leak into the building; the slope (normally around 2%) prevents this from happening.

Lower Cost

Naturally, companies are in the business of making money. So, when given the choice between a cheaper and more expensive option, they’re going to choose the cheaper one every time. Generally, sloped roofs are more expensive to build than flat roofs. The materials required for a sloped roof (shingles, tiles, etc.) cost more than those required for a flat roof (tar, gravel, etc.), and the installation process is more complicated.


Also, flat roofs come in many different varieties, which gives companies more flexibility when choosing a roof for their building. For example, a company might choose a single-ply membrane roof if they’re looking for a roof that’s easy to install and maintain. In short, a single-ply membrane is a layer of material that’s placed over the roof deck to protect it from the elements.

Alternatively, a modified built-up roof might be a better choice for a company that’s looking for a roof that will last for many years. This type of roof is made up of multiple layers of material, including a base layer, asphalt-based cement, and a top layer of gravel.

Thirdly, another popular option is a built-up roof with a metal top layer. This type of roof is similar to a modified built-up roof, but it has a metal top layer that provides extra protection from the elements.

So, why do commercial buildings have flat roofs? Flat roofs are a popular choice for many businesses because they’re durable, long-lasting, low-maintenance, and they accommodate HVAC systems. If you’re looking for a roof that will protect your business for years to come, flat roofs are an effective option.

Tips to Maintain Flat Roofs

Here are some of the most effective roof maintenance tips from leading South Florida commercial roofing companies:

  • Inspect your roof regularly – It’s important to inspect your roof regularly and look for any signs of damage. If you notice any issues, be sure to have them fixed.
  • Clear away debris – Debris can accumulate on your roof and cause problems. Be sure to clear it away regularly.
  • Trim trees and shrubs – Trees and shrubs can also cause problems if they aren’t trimmed back because branches and leaves fall and clutter the gutters and other areas.
  • Schedule an inspection – Of course, you can always schedule an inspection with a roofing company. This is a good idea to do at least once a year to catch any problems early on.