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Top 5 Signs of Storm Damage to Your Roof

Top 5 Signs of Storm Damage to Your Roof

In the face of nature’s relentless forces, your roof stands tall and strong, guarding your home from storm-inflicted mayhem. As homeowners, we often look for the blatant evidence of damage—missing shingles, leaks, and water stains. However, it’s the overlooked signs that can truly spell doom, threatening your home’s very structure. This article brings to light five under-the-radar signs of a storm damaged roof and underscores the importance of proactive upkeep for securing your roof’s enduring resilience.

Act Swiftly, Pay Less: Lookout for Granule Loss in Gutters 

Keep an eye out for the earliest harbingers of doom—granules, the minuscule, sand-grain-like particles blanketing the asphalt shingles. A burgeoning buildup of these in your gutters post-storm implies deteriorating shingles. Not only does this send your shingles’ lifespan into a nosedive, but it also undercuts their water-blocking prowess. 

Red Flags Inside: Heed the Interior Water Stains 

While missing shingles scream for attention, water stains lurking on your interior ceilings and walls may slip under your radar. Indicative of roof-penetrating water, this sign warrants immediate redressal. Any lollygagging in repairs can breed mold, jeopardizing your house’s structural core. 

Don’t Overlook the Contours: Watch for Warping or Buckling 

High-velocity winds and torrential rainfall can skew your roofing material out of shape—warping or buckling. Scrutinize your roof for such unevenness, like dips or peaks in shingles. Excessive dampness or shoddy craftsmanship can birth this malformation, and with time, it only spirals into larger, more destructive issues. If you spot any warping, rope in a roofing specialist, stat. 

The Unsightly Truth: Mold and Algae Growth 

Damp conditions foster mold and algae, wreaking havoc on your roof post-storm. This is more than just a cosmetic concern—it can gnaw at your roofing fabrics and balloon into expensive repairs. Regular lookouts and cleanups can stem this growth, fortifying your roof’s structural soundness. 

Spiking Costs: Brace for Increased Energy Bills 

An unanticipated surge in your energy expenses can be a covert pointer to roof damage from a storm. Storms could forge gaps and leaks, allowing conditioned air to flee and pushing your HVAC system into overdrive. This waste of energy not only burns a hole in your pocket but also taxes your HVAC system in the long run. 

Stay Vigilant, Stay Safe: Understand The Importance of Proactive Maintenance 

Overlooking these signs of storm damage can have far-reaching repercussions, from sky-high repair bills to nose-diving property value. Don’t be reactive, be proactive and safeguard your home with a roof maintenance plan that includes regular inspections, swift repairs, and gutter maintenance

So, know what to look for and respond to signs of a storm damage roof before they culminate in major troubles. It’s all about foresight and proactiveness that can help you avert storm damage and keep repair costs in check. If you notice signs of storm damage, reach out for Storm Damage Restoration by the R&R Industries Team. Remember, it’s your home; protect it before time runs out. Inspect your roof right away!