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How to Prevent Water Leakage in Concrete Roofs

Water Leakage in Concrete Roofs

Water leaking from your roof can cause inconvenience and property damage. Especially concrete roofs have a higher risk of cracking issues. It happens due to the permeability and porosity of your roofs. Low-quality concrete used for your roof also leads to leakage problems. So, how will you prevent leaks in your concrete flat roof?

Find The Potential Sources Of Leakage:

Identifying the source of leakage is the most important step for preventing the problem. Check the overall roof surface and detect accumulated water. It is also essential to inspect any signs of leaks in your plumbing lines. The best Daytona Roofing Company checks every part, including the drainage pines and the sides of your house. Professional roofers use innovative tools to inspect your roof thoroughly.

Fill The Holes And Cracks:

Water may penetrate through the cracks of the concrete roof homes. In case of minor holes, they are repairable. Roofing specialists use roof cement or mortar to close the gaps. Before dealing with the sealing process, they remove the debris from your roof surface. Then, they apply the roof primer and wait until it dries out.

It is not easy to manage the chemical ingredients used for sealing roof cracks. That is why you should rely on professional roofers to manage the process. 

Regular Roof Maintenance:

You can hire qualified roofers to inspect and maintain your roof twice every year. It will help you protect the concrete of your roofing structure. As you have not undergone training, you may not be able to climb tall buildings. So, you can hire well-trained roofers who will monitor your roof and find the potential issues. They will give you a report on your roof conditions. They will also address your roofing problems and provide solutions. Also, they will apply concrete roof coating for protection

Why Do Concrete Roofs Have Leakage?

  • If there are dirt materials in the coarse aggregates, the concrete may have voids. Water penetrating the voids can make the concrete weaker.
  • Other reasons behind the water leakage are the impurities present in fine aggregates.
  • Improper blends of different types of admixtures and inappropriate dosage cause concrete leakage.
  • Over-reinforcement is another cause of leakage from your concrete roof.
  • If the salinity level in the cement is high, it increases the risk of leakage.
  • Workmanship quality is another vital factor determining the risk potential in your roof. Thus, you need to look for qualified and experienced roofers to construct your concrete roof.


You have now learned how to prevent water leakage in concrete roofs. Concrete roofs are mostly found in commercial buildings. But, you can also consider concrete for the roof of your residential house. A concrete flat roof is weather-resistant and fire-resistant. However, only professional roofers know the way to construct the roof properly. If there are any issues with roof construction, there is a risk of leaks in the future. Properly installed concrete roofs will surely last more than 50 years with regular maintenance.